Gray is a Rainbow Color

The Missio Dei blog is intended to provide space for a diverse array of voices, stories, and experiences from within and around our community. While we celebrate the ongoing journey of each beloved member of our community and contributor to our blog, the views expressed here do not necessarily reflection the positions, beliefs, or views of Missio Dei as an organization.

By Megan Raby

True red, true orange, true yellow and green.



And wedged between—


I held faith once and thought it to be a rational and tangible thing.

“You have to have faith” he cried. “You just need more faith” he repeated.

So I asked for more faith and forcibly saw only the antiquated rainbow colors—

Certainly, there was no gray.


Doubt. Questioning. Doubt. Questioning. Unanswered and unanswerable. At times.

These questions.

“Don’t question,” he said. “You just have to have faith” he repeated.

“I think,

I think I do,” I said back.

“I think I do have faith, and I think I do have

to question.”

You see, in the gray is the humanity and the quest.

The gray permits uncertainties,

And I, I have uncertainties.

But I, but I see this gray as a valuable member of the rainbow—

Much like the body sees the brain as valuable, for do you even exist without it?


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